A large collection consisting of the adventures of the Goddesses featured in the anime and manga series Ah My Goddess. Parodies of other works, and a large number of jokes pervade this series of short...

6.60 6.90 541

The brilliant detective Conan must solve a series of bombings to save his true love. ...

7.40 7.30 202

A teenage blacksmith named Kai who lives with his sister Nya. Kai works as a blacksmith to sell them as armor. The Skeleton Army comes and prepares to attack the Japanese village. The leader is Samuka...

7.00 7.40 134

Arslan is the heir apparent of Pars, a strong nation that sits at the hear of the trade route connecting the East and the West. When the pagan nation of Lusitania begins an invasion of Pars, the timid...

6.80 6.50 110

(Aa! Megami-sama!: Chichaitte Koto wa Benri da ne) is a delightful collection of shorts featuring the adventures of the Goddesses from the anime and manga series Ah My Goddess. This series is packed w...

6.90 7.50 118